Office of Special °µÍøTV

I am writing to inform you that the New York State School for the Deaf (NYSSD) located in Rome, New York operates a Deaf Infant Program designed for the provision of early learning services for children from birth to age three with a confirmed hearing loss. The NYSSD Deaf Infant Program offers home-based services with family member engagement provided by a New York State certified Teacher of the Deaf, at no cost to the family.
With parent/guardian permission, infants, and toddlers up to three years old can be referred to the NYSSD Deaf Infant Program by physicians, county representatives, and others involved in the care of the child. Additional information about this program and the program application are available on the NYSSD Deaf Infant Program webpage. You may also contact the school at (315) 337-8400. Please note that an audiology report confirming a hearing loss is required as part of the application process.
\When the school receives an application, staff from the Deaf Infant Program will contact the parent/guardian to discuss the child’s needs. If the child is determined to be eligible for the program, a meeting will be held to develop a plan of support for the child and family related to the child’s hearing loss. This includes regular meetings with a Teacher of the Deaf.
Children with disabilities that receive services at a young age are more likely to demonstrate improvement in developmental areas such as language acquisition, communication, social-emotional, behavior, motor skills, and/or cognitive functioning. Additionally, participation in the Deaf Infant Program will also help to foster a successful transition to preschool and Kindergarten.
For more information, please feel free to contact the NYSSD Department Head for Pupil Personnel Services, Kathryn Baillie, at (315) 337-8400 extension 7808 or email