Office of Special °µÍøTV

The purpose of this memorandum is to remind all school districts of the following special education requirements that go into effect this school year.
- All IEPs developed for the 2011-12 school year, and thereafter, must be on a form prescribed by the Commissioner [8NYCRR §200.4(d)(2)]. For further information go to the , where you will also find accompanying guidance, questions and answers and training materials.
- Prior written notices (notices of recommendation) issued during the 2011-12 school year, and thereafter, must be on a form prescribed by the Commissioner [8 NYCRR §200.5(a)(1)]. To access a copy of the accompanying guidance, questions and answers and training materials.
- Committee on Preschool Special °µÍøTV (CPSE) and Committee on Special °µÍøTV (CSE) meeting notices issued during the 2011-12 school year, and 2 thereafter, must be on a form prescribed by the Commissioner [8 NYCRR§200.5(c)(1)]. To access a copy of the State’s required Meeting Notice form, accompanying guidance, questions and answers and training materials, see .
- Questions relating to this memorandum may be directed to or by calling the P-12: Office ofÌý Special °µÍøTV, Policy Unit at 518-473-2878. To ensure dissemination to appropriate individuals within a school district, I ask Superintendents to please share this memorandum with individuals such as Building Principals, Directors of Special °µÍøTV, School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors, Directors of Pupil Personnel and Parent Teacher Associations.
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