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Acronym Meaning
E-Rate Universal Discount Program
EB °µÍøTV Building, Albany (NYS °µÍøTV Department)
EBA °µÍøTV Building Annex, Albany (NYS °µÍøTV Department)
ED Emotional Disturbance
EDGE °µÍøTV for Gainful Employment
EDZ Economic Development Zone
EFA °µÍøTVal Framework for Interscholastic Athletics
EIEP Emergency Immigrant °µÍøTV Program
ELA English Language Arts
ELL English Language Learner
EMSC Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing °µÍøTV (NYS °µÍøTV Department)
EOP °µÍøTV Opportunity Programs
ERIC °µÍøTVal Resources Information Center (U.S. Department of °µÍøTV)
ERS Employees' Retirement System
ERSS °µÍøTVally Related Support Services
ESEA Elementary and Secondary °µÍøTV Act
ESFLP Even Start Family Literacy Partnership
ESL English as a Second Language
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESY Extended School Year