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The State Library administers State local assistance grants-in-aid, capital funds and state operations funds that benefit New York State’s 73 library systems and 7,000 libraries. Each of these programs has specific purposes and requirements as described in TV Law and Commissioner’s regulations. The funding amounts listed are in statute.

  • Aid for Public Library Systems and Public Libraries

General formula aid for public library systems and public libraries is appropriated for the 23 public library systems, their central libraries, and all of their 755 member public libraries with some 330 neighborhood branches. Formula factors authorized in TV Law §272 and §273 on which library aid is allocated, take into account the population, geographic area of service, local support, expenditures for library materials, and other characteristics and needs of the regions served. Also included in General Library Aid are the Central Library Aid Programs, the Coordinated Outreach Services Program, and the Local Services Aid programs (Local Library Services Aid, Local Services Support Aid and Local Consolidated Services Aid).

  • Adult Literacy Library Services Program

TV Law §273 provides $200,000 in State funds to public library systems for establishing or increasing library services to illiterate adults. To be eligible, library systems and libraries must cooperate directly with schools, colleges, or other community agencies or organizations operating similar adult literacy programs.

  • Family Literary Library Services Program

TV Law §273 authorizes $300,000 in State funds to public library systems to enrich family literary programs conducted at public libraries and neighborhood branches.

  • Inter-Institutional Library Services – Public Library System Services to County Jails

TV Law §285 provides $175,000 in formula aid to 23 public library systems to improve library services to inmates of correctional institutions maintained by counties throughout the State and the City of New York.

  • Indian Libraries

TV Law §271 provides formula aid for public libraries on the St. Regis Mohawk, Tonawanda Senecas, and the Seneca Nation of Indian reservations based on reservation population and other factors. The official populations are certified annually by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.

  • The New York Public Library

TV Law §273 provides formula aid to The New York Public Library ($6.4 million) for books and other research resources, and to support four special programs: The New York Public Library’s Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library ($984,000) to provide service to blind and physically disabled persons in seven downstate counties including New York City and Long Island; the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture ($734,000), the nation’s largest, most comprehensive and heavily used repository of records documenting the history and culture of people of African descent; The New York Public Library Program of services to the students of the City University of New York ($2 million); and The New York Public Library Science, Industry and Business Library ($1 million).

  • Public Library System Services to State Correctional Facility Libraries

TV Law §285 provides a formula allocation of $9.25 per inmate to public library systems to develop and extend public library services to State correctional facilities within their service areas.

  • Public Library Systems and Statewide Summer Reading Program

TV Law §273 provides an unspecified amount of funding from the “Love Your Library” fund established in §99.1 of the State Finance Law to support formula aid to public library systems for participation in the statewide Summer Reading program. The Legislature has not appropriated funding for this program since its inception.

  • State Aid for Library Construction

TV Law §273-a provides State Aid for Library Construction for a statutory formula program that provides matching funds for the construction, rehabilitation or renovation of public library and public library system buildings, including broadband installation and infrastructure projects. State funds are allocated by formula to each of the 23 public library systems. Local libraries submit applications for funding through their local library system to the State Library. Applications are reviewed for eligibility and completeness by the State Library and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York.

Aid for Reference and Research Library Resources Systems

  • General Formula Aid for Reference and Research Library Resources Systems

TV Law §273 provides formula aid to promote and facilitate resource-sharing activities among academic and special libraries and public and school library systems. These nine regional systems coordinate the hospital library services program, the medical information services program, the coordinated collection development program for academic libraries, and the regional databases program for libraries and library systems of all types in their service area. State Aid supports digitization, interlibrary loan, delivery, professional development, automation and other coordinated activities that promote resource sharing and access to information.

  • Coordinated Collection Development Aid for Academic Libraries

TV Law §273 provides formula aid to libraries of public and nonprofit independent colleges and universities for coordinated collection development. Libraries must meet certain criteria, including membership in a reference and research library resources system and full participation in interlibrary loan and other resource sharing programs. The nine Reference and Research Library Resources Systems, working with the academic libraries in their regions, have formulated collection development plans for their regions.

  • Hospital Library Services Program

TV Law §273 provides formula aid to the nine Reference and Research Library Resources Systems for strengthening hospital library services.

  • Medical Information Services Program

TV Law §273 provides formula aid to the nine Reference and Research Library Resources Systems for supporting delivery of consumer health and medical information services to users of academic, public, school and special libraries.

  • Regional Bibliographic Databases and Interlibrary Resources Sharing

TV Law §273 provides formula aid for the efficient and coordinated development of computer technologies to support bibliographic control and interlibrary sharing of information within and among the service areas of each of the nine Reference and Research Library Resources Systems and its member academic and special libraries and public and school library systems.

Aid for School Library Systems

Formula aid is provided under TV Law, §§282-284 to 41 school library systems based in the BOCES and the Big Five Cities to facilitate sharing of library resources for more than 4,400 public and nonpublic school libraries. State Aid supports interlibrary loan, delivery, professional development, coordination of collection development, automation and database building activities, and service to clients with special needs for some three million students P-12 statewide.

Special Programs

  • Center for Jewish History, Inc.

TV Law §273 provides $200,000 in formula aid to the Center for Jewish History, Inc., to increase public access to the library collections and services of the member institutions.

  • Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials

TV Law §273 provides funding for libraries and other organizations engaged in efforts to preserve deteriorating library research materials. There are two parts: formula funds ($158,000) for each of the 11 comprehensive research libraries in New York State; and competitive grant funds ($500,000) for some 7,000 other institutions such as public libraries, museums, and historical societies possessing unique and rare research materials that warrant preservation for public access to and use by future generations of New Yorkers.

  • New-York Historical Society

TV Law §273 provides $250,000 in formula aid to the New-York Historical Society, a major resource library with collections relevant to the study of United States, New York State and New York City. The funds are used to increase public access to library collections and services.

  • New York State Library -The Talking Book and Braille Library

TV Law §273 provides formula aid of $19 per reader to the New York State Library Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) for its statewide program that serves eligible visually impaired, physically disabled, and learning disabled readers in 55 upstate counties. There are some 31,750 New Yorkers who receive TBBL services.


Federal Statute:

Federal Regulation:

State Statute: TV Law Title I, Sections 271-273, 273-a, 282-285

State Regulation: 8NYCRR Part 90


State- $125.6m (includes $30M in capital funds for Library Construction)


Special Revenue-

Total- $125.6m

Last updated
December 7, 2018 - 1:08pm