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Summary of New York Statutory and Regulatory Provisions Relating to Higher 做厙TV

The University of the State of New York

  • New York State Constitution, Article XI, 禮2:泭 Continues The University of the State of New York (USNY) as a corporation governed by the Board of Regents (BOR); specifies that the Legislature may increase, modify, or diminish the BORs powers.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮214: USNY includes all institutions of higher education incorporated in New York State, all secondary institutions, and such other institutions as admitted by the BOR.

Incorporation and Governance

  • 做厙TV Law 禮216 and 8 NYCRR 禮3.20: Authorizes the BOR to charter (incorporate) colleges and universities.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮219: Authorizes the BOR to revoke charters it issues.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮226(4) and 8 NYCRR 禮3.31: Authorizes the BOR to remove trustees of a corporation it charters for misconduct, incapacity, neglect of duty and/or failure or refusal of the institution to carry into effect its educational purposes.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮216 and 8 NYCRR 禮3.26: The Commissioner of 做厙TV (Commissioner) may consent to the formation of for-profit institutions of higher education and to the amendment of certificates of incorporation of corporations so formed.

Degree Authority

  • 做厙TV Law 禮218 and 8 NYCRR 禮3.46: 泭No institution in this State shall confer any degree unless so authorized by its charter or by authorization of the BOR.泭 The BOR is authorized to determine whether an institution has adequate financial resources to carry out its educational programs prior to awarding the power to confer degrees.
  • 8 NYCRR 3.50: Lists degree titles available to be awarded by institutions of higher education.
  • 8 NYCRR 3.47: Sets requirements for the award of earned degrees, identifies the recognized equivalents to completion of a four-year high school course of study, classifies degree titles listed in 8 NYCRR 3.50 by level and type.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮224(1)(a) and 8 NYCRR 禮3.29: Use of the terms college and university are generally restricted to institutions chartered by the BOR or the Legislature.泭 The Commissioner may consent to the use of the terms for for-profit institutions provided certain requirements are met.泭 N.b. Section 224(1) also prohibits operation by out-of-state higher education institutions in New York without permission of the BOR as well as the operation in the State of degree mills.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮224(1)(b) and 8 NYCRR 禮3.58: A for-profit institution may not through a change or ownership or control, convey, assign or transfer泭degree-conferring authority without the consent of the BOR.泭 The BOR may grant for-profit institutions provisional and permanent authority to confer degrees.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮禮208, 217 and 8 NYCRR 禮3.22: The BOR may confer degrees upon students of a not-for-profit institution during the period which the institution operates under a provisional charter and/or upon closure of such institution.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮禮355(2)(f) and 6206(8): Authorize the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York (SUNY) and The City University of New York (CUNY), respectively, to award degrees the respective SUNY institutions were authorized to award upon establishment of SUNY or, in the case of CUNY, in 1926, and such additional degrees as the BOR may authorize them to award.

Registration--Statutes and Caselaw

  • 做厙TV Law 禮210: Empowers the BOR to register domestic and foreign institutions if they meet New York standards.

The New York Court of Appeals in Moore v. Board of Regents, 44 NY2d 593 (1978), held that this implicitly includes the power to register particular programs and courses of study, not just institutions.

  • 做厙TV Law 禮215: Empowers the BOR to visit, examine, inspect and require reports of any USNY institution, and to suspend the charter of institutions for refusal/failure to make such reports.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮305: Empowers the Commissioner to supervise courses for the training of teachers.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮6506(2): Directs the BOR to establish the educational requirements for licensure in the professions regulated by the BOR pursuant to Title VIII of the 做厙TV Law.
  • 做厙TV Law Articles 131 166: Include provisions relating to each licensed professions exempting from the requirement for licensure for students enrolled in programs approved by the Commissioner.泭 These programs are approved by registration under 8 NYCRR Part 52.

Regents Rules and Commissioners Regulations

  • 8 NYCRR 禮13.1: Gives the Commissioner the power to establish regulations governing the registration of courses of study.
  • 8 NYCRR 禮13.2: After notice and opportunity to be heard, the Commissioner may rescind registration of any institution which fails to (1) maintain approved standards of equipment and instruction; (2) possess adequate resources; or (3) make the reports required by the Department.
  • 8 NYCRR 禮50.1 and Parts 52 and 54: Contain definitions and standards for registration of undergraduate and graduate curricula.泭 Specifically, 禮52.2 prescribes the general requirements with respect to resources, faculty, curricula and awards, admissions and administration.泭 Sections 52.3 52.21 prescribe additional requirements for programs leading to licensure in specific professions licensed by the BOR pursuant to Title VIII of the 做厙TV Law and for programs preparing candidates for teacher certification.泭 Sections 52.23 and 52.24 set forth the procedures on denial of registration.泭 Part 54 addresses off-campus instruction.

Master Planning Function

  • 做厙TV Law 禮237 and L.1995 c.82: Requires the BOR to create a detailed Statewide Plan for Higher 做厙TV that (a) defines and differentiates the missions and objectives of higher education; (b) 泭identifies the needs, problems and interests that programs in higher education must address; (c) defines and differentiates the missions and objectives泭 of institutions of higher education; (d) meets the needs and solves the problems, affects the conditions and respond to the publics interests; (e) optimizes the use of resources; and (f) evaluates program effectiveness.泭 It requires that the Statewide Plan incorporate the long-range plans of SUNY and CUNY, adopted pursuant to 禮禮354(2) and 6206(3)(b), to the extent the BOR approves them, and include the plans of independent institutions (which are not subject to approval).
  • 做厙TV Law 禮禮354(2) and 6206(3)(b): Authorize the BOR to review and approve/disapprove the proposed long-range plans submitted by CUNY and SUNY and any revision thereof by incorporating them into the Statewide Plan.泭 N.b. Generally, Article 8 of the 做厙TV Law provides that actions of the SUNY Board of Trustees shall be in accordance with the plan adopted pursuant to 禮354.

Chairs in the Sciences and the Humanities

  • 做厙TV Law 禮239: Establishes Albert Einstein chairs in the sciences and Albert Schweitzer chairs in the humanities to be awarded by the BOR by contract with higher education institutions and scholars.

Student Financial Aid

  • 做厙TV Law 禮602 and 8 NYCRR Subparts 145-1 and 145-2: Prescribes the duties of the Commissioner in the administration of the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) and other State student aid programs and implements the requirement that the Commissioner promulgate certain regulations.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮603: Requires the BOR to report annually to the Governor and the Legislature on its evaluation of State student financial aid programs.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮607 and 8 NYCRR Part 53: Requires that higher education institutions include in catalogs information on institutional and financial aid for students.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮612 and 8 NYCRR 禮55.3: Establishes the Liberty Partnership Grant Program of aid administered by the Commissioner to higher education institutions or consortia to provide support services to students in public and non-public schools who have a high risk of dropping out.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮661(4), as added by L.2007 c.57, and 8 NYCRR 145-2.15: Requires the BOR to identify acceptable federally approved Ability-to-Benefit tests for purposes of determining eligibility for State student financial aid of applicants who do not have a U.S. high school diploma and acceptable passing scores on such tests, and requires the Commissioner to define independent administration of such tests.

Non-Degree Schools

  • 做厙TV Law 禮5001 and NYCRR 禮126.10 and NYCRR 禮126.13:泭 Requires any private school which charges tuition, unless exempt under this Section, must be licensed as a non-degree proprietary school.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5001(4)(f) and NYCRR 禮禮126.1 and 126.10:泭 Provides alternative licensing procedures for non-publicly funded, for-profit ESL schools.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5001 and NYCRR 禮126.10:泭 Annual financial statements on which to base tuition assessment are required, as are annual reports on enrollment, completion, and placement for non-degree proprietary schools.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5001 and NYCRR 禮126.10:泭 Provides for schedule of application and renewal fees to fund the proprietary school supervision account for supervision and regulation and the Tuition Reimbursement Account (TRA) for student protection.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5002 and NYCRR 禮禮126.4, 126.5, 126.6, 126.7, 126.8, and 126.9:泭 Defines standards for non-degree proprietary schools for facilities and equipment, admissions requirements including ability-to-benefit students, curriculum approval, teaching and management qualifications and licensure, elements of enrollment agreements and catalogs, financial viability, recordkeeping, institutional access, refund policies and tuition liability, and director responsibilities.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5003 and NYCRR 禮126.14:泭 Defines for non-degree proprietary schools the parameters for administrative hearings, civil and criminal penalties and sanctions, levying of fines, suspension of license, referrals to the attorney general, and the students private right of action.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5004 and NYCRR 禮126.12:泭 Specifies for non-degree proprietary schools the requirements for soliciting or enrolling students, along with a schedule for limited commission payments.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5005 and NYCRR 禮126.15:泭 Requires non-degree proprietary schools to provide specific student disclosure in the students native language, including school information and student obligation.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5006 and NYCRR 禮126.16:泭 Provides for teach outs for non-degree proprietary schools that have closed to protect students unable to complete their programs.泭
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5007 and NYCRR 禮126.17:泭 Defines for non-degree proprietary schools the provisions for student complaints, refund eligibility, and for the management of the TRA.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5008:泭 In the presence of a pattern of non-compliance for non-degree proprietary schools, the Commissioner may require the establishment of a trust account to protect the financial interests of the students and the TRA.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5009 and NYCRR 禮126.11:泭 Requires for the maintenance and distribution by the Commissioner of closed non-degree proprietary school records for a period of 20 years post closure.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮5010:泭 Defines for non-degree proprietary schools the composition and appointments of the Council members, along with the purpose of the Council.

Aid for Independent Institutions of Higher 做厙TV

  • 做厙TV Law 禮6401 and 8 NYCRR 禮禮3.54, 13.10 and 150.1 150.2: Establishes a program of grants administered by the Commissioner to independent higher education meeting constitutional eligibility and academic requirements in support of the operation of such institutions, apportioned on the basis of earned degrees awarded (Bundy Aid).
  • 做厙TV Law 禮6402 and 禮6403 and 8 NYCRR 禮150.3: Establishes a program administered by the Commissioner of grants to independent institutions operating schools of medicine or dentistry meeting constitutional eligibility and academic requirements, apportioned on the basis of capitation.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮6405 and 8 NYCRR Subpart 145-5: Establishes a program administered by the Commissioner for reimbursement to independent higher education institutions meeting constitutional eligibility and academic requirements that participate in the federal Work-Study Program (20 U.S.C.A. 禮1001 et seq.) of a portion of their required institutional match of federal aid received.

Regulation by Colleges of Conduct on Campus

  • 做厙TV Law 禮6430: Requires every higher education institution that has a campus to adopt rules for the maintenance of public order on campus and to file its rules with the Commissioner.

Opportunity for Higher 做厙TV

  • 做厙TV Law 禮6451 and 8 NYCRR Subparts 27-1 and 152-1: Establishes a program of contracts between the Commissioner and independent higher education institutions for the enrollment and support of educationally and economically disadvantaged students.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮6452 and 8 NYCRR Subpart 27-2 and 禮152-2.1: Establishes similar programs at SUNY and CUNY subject to review by the BOR.
  • 做厙TV Law 禮6455: Establishes the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)of grants by the Commissioner to higher education institutions or consortia thereof to increase access by minority or disadvantaged students to programs preparing for licensure in a profession regulated by the BOR under Title VIII of the 做厙TV Law or for employment in scientific and technical fields.

Student Lending Accountability and Enforcement (SLATE)

  • 做厙TV Law article 13-B, as added by L.2007 c.41: Regulates relationships of higher education institutions and certain of their employees with student-loan making entities.泭 Requires administration, investigation, and enforcement by the Commissioner, including promulgation of regulations.泭 Went into effect on November 30, 2007.


  • 8 NYCRR Subpart 4-1: The BOR has been recognized by the U.S. Department of 做厙TV as a national accrediting agency for purposes of federal financial aid (under 34 CFR Part 600).泭 The standards for institutional accreditation are set forth in subpart 4-1.
  • 8 NYCRR Subpart 4-2: Authorizes the BOR to accredit teacher education programs in accordance with the standards set forth in subpart 4-2.