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Mathematics FAQ

The responses presented below are provided to address frequently asked questions related to mathematics education in New York State.泭

What are the mathematics requirements for a Regents Diploma?泭What are the mathematics requirements for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation?

According to the section泭泭of the Regulations of the Commissioner of 做厙TV, to receive a NYS Regents Diploma a student must earn three commencement-level mathematics credits (more advanced than grade eight and must meet the commencement-level mathematics learning standards as determined by the commissioner) and achieve a passing score on one Mathematics Regents Examination or泭Department Approved Alternative泭mathematics examination.泭

In order to earn a NYS Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation Students must earn 3 commencement level Mathematics credits泭and pass three Regents examinations in Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II or three泭Department Approved Alternative泭exams for the assessment requirements.泭Further information regarding diploma requirements and the STEM pathway can be found on the泭Graduation Requirements webpage.

Does the 做厙TV have a required mathematics curriculum?泭Does the New York 做厙TV Department have a list of recommended mathematics textbooks?

No, in New York State, curriculum and instruction are locally determined by each school district. It is the local school districts responsibility to design and implement a curriculum which will provide students with the necessary experiences to achieve the NYS Mathematics Learning Standards.

Regarding mathematics textbooks, New York is a non-endorsing state and curricular materials are a local decision. Local educators are empowered to select textbooks, identify products, and use a rich array of instructional materials, strategies, and activities to meet student needs.

Which mathematics assessments are required by New York State?

In New York State, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires students in grades 3-8 to be scheduled to take a New York State assessment for their grade level.泭These assessments take place in the spring of each school year. For more information on the NYS Grades 3-8 Assessments in Mathematics, please visit the Office of State Assessment's webpage.

At the high school level, successfully passing one Regents Examination in Mathematics is a graduation requirement for earning a Regents diploma. To earn a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation, students must successfully pass three Regents Examinations in Mathematics. For more information on the Regents Examinations in Mathematics, please visit the Office of State Assessments webpage.

Are students expected to supply their own calculators for classroom and assessment use?

The State 做厙TV Department requires the use of calculators for intermediate and high school level mathematics and science assessments.泭To the extent that calculators are a necessary part of the educational program, the school district must provide them. Under no circumstances should students be charged for a calculator or otherwise required to purchase one in order to participate in an educational program.泭Please see the NYSED泭memo泭regarding

Where is there additional information regarding the scope and sequence of mathematics instruction aligned to the NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics or the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards?

No, in New York State, curriculum and instruction (include scope and sequence) are locally determined by each school district. It is the local school districts responsibility to design and implement a scope and sequence which will provide students with the necessary experiences to achieve the NYS Mathematics Learning Standards.

Learning Standards

1. Are there Pre- State Test and Post- State Test Standards for the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards for Grades 3-8?

Yes. In order to ensure a timely return of assessment results, the New York State Mathematics grades 3-8 assessments are given in April/May of each year. While the pre-post guidance provides a clear designation of when students are held accountable for understanding content at the proficiency/mastery level, it is not intended to serve as a directive as to when the content should be introduced or how instruction of content should occur. The New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards Post-Test Standards Designations for Grades 3-8 can be found on the泭NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards webpage.

2.Is there a set of literacy standards for mathematics, in addition to the learning standards for literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects?

Each discipline has its own literacy, including mathematics. The Standards for Mathematical Practice, which can be found starting on page 7 of the泭NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards document, reinforce the mathematical literacy skills that are needed in our students. Mathematical language/literacy is developed through opportunities that allow for the merging of content and practice.


3. How does a NYS student participate in the Statewide Elementary Math Tournament?

Any NYS student in grades 1-5 can get involved in the Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament by practicing the math games and activities on the program. As part of the Expanded Math Access Program (EMAP), NYSED and First in Math are offering FREE access to the First in Math program for all NYS students in grades K-5. In addition to the free access, NYSED and First in Math are holding a Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament for NYS students in grades 1-5. As part of the statewide tournament, there will be virtual regional contests (qualifying round) and an in-person, statewide event. Students that win the qualifying round will advance to the in-person, statewide event. To sign up for the free access to the First in Math program, please complete this泭

  • ALL New York State students in grades 1 to 5, who are enrolled in the First in Math, program will be invited to participate in the Virtual Regional Qualifying Round in the spring.
  • Winners of the virtual qualifying round will advance to the Statewide Championship Event. Only 150 children will qualify from the regional competition to compete in the Statewide Championship to be held at University of Albany.

4. What tools are appropriate to support instruction aligned to the NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics or the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards?

The fifth Standard for Mathematical practice reads,泭Use appropriate tools strategically: Mathematically proficient students consider the available tools when solving a mathematical problem. Proficient students are sufficiently familiar with tools appropriate for their grade or course to make sound decisions about when each of these tools might be helpful, recognizing both the insight to be gained and their limitations. Mathematically proficient students at various grade levels are able to identify relevant external mathematical resources, such as digital content located on a web site, and use them to pose or solve problems. They are able to use technological tools to explore and deepen their understanding of concepts.

When various mathematical tools (e.g., manipulatives, rulers, protractors, compasses, reference sheets, and technology) are appropriately incorporated into classroom instruction, these tools can:

  • enhance learning;
  • increase motivation;
  • help students visualize concepts and ideas; and
  • help teachers engage students across various learning styles through multiple representations.

It is up to the student to decide when it will be helpful to use the mathematics tools to answer a question. Specifications for the allowable tools on the NYS 3-8 assessments can be found in the泭2023 School Administrators Manual for Grades 3-8 testing, Appendix E. Specifications for allowable tools on the Regents Examinations can be found in the泭Guidelines for Graphing Calculator Use for Commencement-Level Mathematics.

5. What is the requirement for Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in mathematics-and where can I find guidance regarding the program?

The requirements for Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in mathematics fall under the泭.泭 Please view the following guidance documents for information about AIS in of the Regulations of the Commissioner of 做厙TV. 泭Additional information can be found in the Academic Intervention Services: Questions and Answers document found on NYSEDs website. For questions regarding AIS, please contact studentsupportservices@nysed.gov.

Diploma Requirements

6. Can a student earn two credits for Algebra 1?

According to the section泭泭of the Regulations of the Commissioner of 做厙TV it states,泭米no more than two credits shall be earned for any Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II commencement-level mathematics course. Algebra I is designed to be a one-unit course, however, the content of Algebra I (Geometry or Algebra II) may be spread out over two years with each year culminating in one credit. In order to earn 2 diploma credits, each year students must learn a different set of standards within the course. Students cannot earn diploma credit for duplicate coursework.

7. If a student takes a 1-year Algebra I course and passes however does not pass the Regents examination in Algebra I, can they repeat the course and earn an additional credit?

No.泭In order to receive 2 credits in a commencement-level math course that culminates in a Regents examination, the course must be designed in such a way that one half of the course content is delivered in year 1 and the second half of the content is delivered in year 2.泭Each year should explore different mathematical concepts in greater depth/breadth, building a progression of skills.

8. What is Credit by Examination, and can it be used to earn mathematics credit?

Yes, Credit by Examination can be used to earn mathematics credit towards a NYS Regents diploma. A student may earn a maximum of 6翻 units of credit for either a Regents or local diploma without completing units of study.泭In certain circumstances, students may have already mastered the learning outcomes of a Regents level course without having taken the course in high school.泭In such instances, the student may make a request to the superintendent to earn credit by taking an exam.泭If the superintendent decides to allow this, the student must earn a score of 85 on the Regents examination and complete a special project or oral examination. In such cases where the student is successful, they would earn course credit without having to sit for the course of study. For more information on this option, please see section 100.5(d)(1) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of 做厙TV,泭.

9.泭 Can Technology 做厙TV or Computer Science courses be used to fulfill mathematics credit?

Yes, Technology 做厙TV or Computer Science courses can be used to fulfill mathematics credit. Section 100.5(b)(7)(iv)(j)泭of the Regulations of the Commissioner of 做厙TV (see note below), a commencement-level course in technology education may be used as the third unit of credit in science or mathematics, but not both. The course must be taught by an appropriately certified teacher. For further information and policy guidance please visit the Career and Technical 做厙TV webpage, specifically the Commissioners Regulations related to Technology 做厙TV courses being used as a 3rd credit for math or science.泭NOTE:泭 When selecting the link to the regulations, you must scroll down until you reach Section 100.5(b)(7)(iv)(j).

Regarding using Computer Science courses to fulfill mathematics credits, please view the NYSED memo titled Using Courses in Computer Science to Meet the Requirements for Regents or Local Diploma.

10. Can students in Grade 8 earn high school math credit?泭 Can students in Grade 7 earn high school mathematics credit?

Yes, students in grade eight shall have the opportunity to earn diploma credit in mathematics. The superintendent, or their designee, shall determine if a student has shown readiness in each subject, including mathematics, in which they ask to begin high school courses in the eighth grade leading to an NYS diploma. A student in Grade 8 shall be awarded high school credit for such courses only if such student passes the course and the associated Regents Examination. The Regulations of the Commissioner of 做厙TV allow only grade eight students the opportunity to be accelerated into high school courses in the eighth grade and to receive credit for use in satisfying diploma requirements.泭

Regarding students in grades earlier than grade 8 (grades 6 or grade 7), the provision mentioned above does not extend to grade 6 or grade 7 students (earning diploma credit), however, students in grade 6 or grade 7 have the opportunity to only earn assessment credit in mathematics. Further clarification about these regulations was given in the NYSED December 20, 2007 P-16 News and Notes publication.

For additional information, please refer to泭Section 100.4(d) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of 做厙TV.

State Assessments

11. When can a student take a Regents Examination in mathematics?

The admission requirement for taking the Regents Examination in mathematics is the completion of the course of study. Please see the泭2019 Edition School Administrator's Manual, Regents Examinations泭for more information. Each local school district determines when a student has completed the course of study. Please note that there is no provision in the泭Regulations泭of the Commissioner of 做厙TV that allows a student to take a Regents examination before he/she has completed the necessary course of study in which he or she is enrolled, except Credit by Examination.

12. What are the 做厙TV-Approved Alternative Examinations for meeting mathematics requirements for a NYS diploma?

The New York State Department of 做厙TV Assessment Panel meets periodically to review proposals for alternative assessments to the Regents examinations and to make recommendations to the Commissioner of 做厙TV about whether the proposed alternatives should be approved. Several examinations have been approved, and the minimum acceptable scores have been set. Please reference the泭list of NYSED-Approved Regents Examination Alternatives Acceptable for Meeting Requirements for a Local or Regents Diploma.泭泭

13. Do students who are accelerated for diploma credit in grade eight need to take both the NYS Grade 8 Mathematics Test and the Regents examination associated with the unit of study?

No, NYSED has secured a waiver from the United States Department of 做厙TV (USDE) that relieves students, teachers, and schools from having to prepare students in seventh and eighth grade who are receiving instruction in Algebra I for multiple end of year assessments. This provision would also apply to students in grades 7 and 8 who receive instruction in Geometry and who take the Regents Examination in Geometry. Grade eight students who have been accelerated into a high school mathematics course must take the corresponding Regents examination in order to earn a unit of diploma credit.泭 The district may choose to have the students in grades 7 and 8 who are taking Regents courses in mathematics, take just the Regents examination or take both the grade level examination and the Regents examination.泭

If the student takes both examinations, the grade level examination score will be used for elementary-middle level school and district accountability; the Regents score will be banked for high school level school and district accountability.泭 If the student takes only the Regents examination, the score earned on the Regents examination will be used for elementary-middle level school and district accountability. The student is required to take another Regents examination in high school to meet the high school level accountability. For more information regarding accountability requirements, please contact the NYSED Office of Accountability at accountinfo@nysed.gov.

14.泭 Is there an approved list of tools/calculators that can be used on the Grades 3-8 state assessments and the Regents Examinations?

Specifications for the allowable tools on the NYS Grades 3-8 Assessments in Mathematics can be found on the Office of State Assessments Grades 3-8 Test Manuals webpage. Specifications for allowable tools on the Regents Examinations can be found on the Office of State Assessments High School Mathematics webpage. Also, please visit the Guidelines for Graphing Calculator Use for Commencement-Level Mathematics.

15. Where can I find resources for Computer-based Testing (CBT) in mathematics?泭

Resources for Computer-based Testing can be found on the Office of State Assessments webpage for Grades 3-8 Mathematics Tests. Optional resources include tips on getting started, a testing readiness check tool, information on the New York State Question Sampler, an updated Quick Reference Guide (and video tutorial) on the Equation Editor Drawing Tool, and guidance on setup and installation.泭For any questions regarding Computer-based Testing, please contact泭CBTSupport@nysed.gov.

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