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Retention of Effective Educators

A systematic, coordinated approach to providing new and sustained leadership opportunities, with additional compensation, recognition, and job-embedded professional learning for educators to advance excellent teaching and learning, as well as advance the use of evaluation data in development, compensation, and employment decisions

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Teacher Retention Research and Resources

This guide from TNTP is intended to help LEAs understand and address immediate staffing challenges and plan for long-term changes that will create a more sustainable teacher workforce.

In this泭District Trendline from the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), they gather together research on the role of school climateor "the quality and character of school life"as a key factor in teacher success and retention, and provide steps for how school leaders can act on this information.

This paper from the Learning Policy Institute reviews an extensive body of research on teacher recruitment and retention, and identifies five major factors that influence teachers decisions to enter, stay in, or leave the teaching profession, generally, and high-need schools, specifically.

School Leader Retention Research and Resources

This reissue of the 2014 report from the School Leader Network, now part of the New Teacher Center,泭calls upon decision-makers and funders to prioritize principal retention efforts as equally important as principal pipeline development efforts.

This new tool from the Wallace Foundation is泭designed to help districts identify federal funding for principal pipelines. It focuses on financing for comprehensive, aligned principal pipelines, that is, a set of coordinated procedures and policies designed to cultivate and support effective school leaders across the range of talent management activities under a districts purview. Such pipelines have been shown by research to have benefits for student achievement.